Tuesday, November 29, 2005

can't escape the damn decade!

oh no!

but OH NO!

the 80's strike again! i hate the 80's...more than all the punk rock and all the mary harts and all the rosseane barrs and all the bill clintons...i hate the 80's with a passion.


found a site where you can take a quiz to find out what 80's band you would be...its things like these that make me an atheist.

As you can see im Echo and the Bunnymen.

im sorry, WHO!?


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Anonymous said...

I am The Pixies. who the hell?
sounds like cheap candy.
well boys i have to admit im not very convinced about tossing tomatoes on the horrid decade. For it and it's people had one thing that no other decade diplayed so well. COURAGE. look at anything from the 80s and you cant but think: how and why d'you come up with that? courage.

and embarassment. i mean that one feels self-embarassment when witnessing an 80s touch. yesterday I finished showering in the gym with a coupled of elderly tatooed women and 'like a vergin was playin'. I felt uneasy. really.

im going to download something from the pixies to find out more about my musical identity. be well.

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