Have you ever watched a sport and noticed that the person did not match the nationality he/she was representing? Lets say a Lee played for Trinidad and Tobago or something. Yanno? It just doesn’t make any sense and I have never been a fan of this. I don’t know, call it what you like but I have simply never been a fan. If I see a fellow slav playing for Australia (or any other first world country) it saddens me. Theres something about it I cant quiet put my finger on…
Zlatan Ibrahimovic (Zlah-tan Eebra-heem-ovich) – Swedish Football National Team
OH NO! but many oh no’s! this one, in particular, is a painful one. Let me explain why…zlato means gold in serbian. Zlatno means golden (referring to objects) in serbian. Zlatan means golden (referring to persons) in Serbian. THE MANS NAME MEANS GOLDEN! Hes gooooolden, not Swedish but zlaaaaaatan. Now if your last name contains a Muslim name then you are, in fact, muslim. if your last name ends in “vic” you are a slav… Ibrahim – vic … Ibrahimovic… A MUSLIM SLAV. which can only mean one thing: HE IS A MUSLIM BOSNIAN. That’s it. Theres nothing more to it. Zlatan is a farm boy from Bosnia. Any debates? Didn’t think so because what I say is factual. Now if youre STILL not convinced…BLACK HAIR, DARK EYEBROWS AND BROWN EYES ISNT EXACTLY SWEDISH MATERIAL.
Khalid Khannouchi (Khah-led Khan-oo-shee) – USA running team
Yeah? You like fuckin with my head? Yeh, youre good? Gooood. Cuz khannouchi is NEVER American. I understand that America is thee land of immigrants but I suggest you guys stick to the dantes and alfontes (and any other black name you prefer) to be on your running teams. Firstly, they look better in tights, secondly theyre American. They are. Theyre African-American, their ancestors came to the land, not in great conditions, but they made roots there. But Khannouchi came to America and he IS the roots, yanno what im sayin? The African slaves wouldn’t be able to run for America cuz they were just too fresh. Maybe his childrens childrens children can but you, khanouch, MAY NEVER. And cmon, khalid, homie, what u doin there man? Come back here to the middle east, represent us man. We have good (if not better) grounds for you to run on. You like long distances? Run to iraq n back, visit your American homies there. And the turf will be a REAL test, dodging bombs n shit, that’ll prepare the shit out of you. i KNOW you miss the shawarmas n the poverty, im certain.Jon Robert Holden – Russian National Basketball Team
The black man above is a Russian. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. oh MAN, what a Russian! I didn’t know Russia had hoods, shit. Cmooooon, now you must agree with me on this one. cmon. somehow i just dont see a hammer n sickle next to his picture. Hes jonny from around the block. 15 years ago he would have been in the RED basketball team, how amusing would that have been? Hes not the Vladimir Vlatchkov or the Ivan Pavlov you would expect. Hes a Russian Dominique. Hahahaha. Sorry, I must laugh at this. He cant make it in the US of A so he goes to Vladimir Putin (what a Russian) and asks for a passport. His homies are like “aaaw J Dawg! Sup man?! U aint representin’ u aint even have a rap album out, u aint even gettin your eagle on. Aw damn homie, J Rob gon get it.” Well atleast he’s not playin for money right?! This is the only case where a first worlder came to the third …on his own will. And besides, holden you cant be on the damn Russian team, youz a nnnnnnn….aw I aint gona say it (check first sentence of first paragraph). But I know you all are thinkin it.
PEOPLE! Dammit, stop being so godamn confused. You cant change where you come from. By lookin at your last name we know what house from what village from what country you come from, its just the way it is, theres no bullshittin here. Zlatko, go back to BiH and play for their shitty ass team man, money aint everythin. Khannouchi, go back to whatever third world country your ass hails from (morocco) and live in harmony n terrorism, it’s the only way. And holden, maaaan go back to your homies. They miss you dawg, go kiss the baby mama, roll the trees n run from the hip hop police, shit who knows u might even get that album deal.
Damn, I hate you motherfuckers.
Potential war starters:
Nx M’baye - Hungary
O’connor - Indonesia
Gupta - Mexico
Livingston - Vietnam
Tags: ibrahimovic, khannouchi, holden, confusion, sports, nationality, random
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