Reasons to hate james blunt:
1- his last name
2- falsetto
3- blunt usually describes an object (hes a tool)
4- he jumped ass naked into freezing water
5- he was in the british military in kosovo (true story people)
6- hes british...eats vegimite, says 'tootles' as a substitution for goodbye, has bad teeth (i know this), says 'bloody' instead of fuckin, eats and likes fruitcakes
7- resembles a sloth

so there you have it…reasons to hate him. I haven’t done these in a while…man im lovin it. Yes, like mcdonalds. James beetie must die...or just dissapear for a longlong time.
Tags: james blunt, entertainment, music, critics, random.
Dear Oleg,
I am so sorry it has taken me this long to respond to your comments. I did publish them, but you left them at a site I do not use anymore. That would be Loving God Holy (blogger). I have moved this site to Loving God Holy (WordPress).
Please feel free to leave a comment anytime you choose to. I do not like spam, and that is why I turned on the monitor. Since I was going to be watching it, I had taken the comments off the blog. Sorry about that. I changed to the upgrade (blogger) and found this.
Please accept my apology. My homepage is My Newz 'n Ideas. I hope you have a wonderful year!
the legend of bloodninja
(goes with your previous post)
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