One more thing. This has always bothered me, and maybe you will agree (by
you I mean, of course, one of our many many readers):
People who can sing think everyone else should be able to sing too, and are offended when they cannot.Right? I have a lot of friends who can sing, choir and all that, and my sister sings as well. But many of them,
many of them, honestly beleive that singing is perfectly natural and that if you are among the 80% of human beings who can't sing, there something wrong with you. The basic conversation goes something like this:
"You have vocal chords dont you? Thats all you need to sing!"
You have legs, can you break dance!? Yeah, I have vocal chords to talk and sometimes make funny noises, but that's about it, chick.
"Singing is natural, everyone sings!"This one is just a lie. Singing is great, I'm a big fan, but
not everyone sings. examples of people who probably don't sing: the president of iran, gahndi (he is dead), the pope, accountants, characters from star wars movies, the list goes on...
"Its not as hard as you think, if you audition I'm sure you can get into the choir!"Maybe,
friend (the italics shows strain), but I do not
desire (there is is again) to be a
member (veins are popping out of my neck) of the choir. Please leave me alone and stop tugging on my sleeve.
"Ok, just try it!"Fine! "la la La LA LA!!"
"Wow. That was really off key"I don't know what that means.
"Oh my God!! How do you not know what key is?!" (as if I'm half a man for not knowing)
A key is something that opens a door. Go home.
They assume shit like arpeggios are common knowlege. Its not right. Back me up on this one, oleg.
back me up,