Sunday, February 26, 2006

alive and punching

hello friends and otherwise

although you probably didnt miss me, im back and confirming that i am not dead (whos pissing on dreams now, oleg?) ive simply been knee deep in engineering shit for the past while...turns out this shits hard...

i saw this in mechanics class the other day. we were studying tension (T) applied at an angle, on a cable called 'a'. so the professor called the tension ...nothing too wild here.

then, to calculate the horizontal component, he multiplied by the cosine of the angle. makes sense, right?

my friend leaned over and whispered 'Hey, Tacos.'

i laughed at finding mexican food in mechanics calculations, and i cried at how sad my life has become...


nasser said...

thx for the support and encouragement...good math post too. u should upload a pic of urself squinting in dishust so they know what u mean

and hey man, tacos...

Mia said...

I weep for you, on the plus side it's taco tuesday tomorrow at Taco Bells.

Dr. Seuss said...

LOL i have a physics midterm on wednesday. ill probly laugh then too. i guess my life is pretty sad too