Sunday, December 04, 2005

dolphin 007

i found this article on dolphins. PLEASE read it. i have so many damn comments about it but i don't want to ruin anything. i just dont think im gonna look at dolphins the same way again. im not an animal activist or anything, i never really gave two shits, so this is good feedback for me. animals are, in fact, evil. when someone calls you an 'animal' i believe there is some logic behind it and that it is not an overated expression.,,1577753,00.html

its so american. read it, you'll know what im talkin about. who else would do this? they can get dolphins to do all this but they cant find tupacs killer. ok.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im worried. how did you find embarassed to used the word...article? maybe starfish are used as submarine detonators.
what's this comment about your dead rapper friend? what...what is it...cmon.