now heres a spunky bunch! known for their dickhead hair, soundproof eyeglasses and offcourse their catchy tunes. yanno, the tunes that all sound the same n that make me want to dig out my eyes with a blunt axe. those tunes that sound the same n that are so repetative it makes you ckeck your stereo twice cuz u think its broken. those tunes that sound the same with lyrics that CLEARLY reveal that all four (lennon,mccartny n the other two) were on drugs. those tunes that sound the same. hold on, they sound the same. its as if you put oasis' wonderwall on repeat...n after aaaaaaaaaaaall, youre my wonderwaaaaaaaaaall. say maybeeeeeee (maybeeeeeeee) youre gonna be the one that saves meeeeeeeee (saves meeeeeee), n after aaaaaaaaaaaaall, youre my wonderwaaaaaaaaaall...
ya get the point.
"I Want To Hold Your Hand "
Oh please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand
I'll let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
wait wait! nono, dont help me out here! i can figure it out by myself...hmmmmm... im GUESSING someone wants to hold someone else's hand...its just an idea im throwin out there really! im not sure... PLEASE. which crackhead came up with these lyrics. cant you just picture them with their fatass guitars n their matching outfits and their shoobidoos? theyre bouncin around high on fame n meth n makin the girls go wild. "oooh i want me some of that british lovin. oh what? u have bad teeth n nasty hair? i dont care! as long as youre up on stage singin about holdin my hand i think i want to conceive your babies!" ass munchers.
"Yellow Submarine"
So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine
whoa! this was apparently written as they were being introduced to the magic shrooms. sea of green? im sorry, its either a sea full of mold or sea full of bright n colorful things! sailed up to the sun? you cannot fly a sumbarine! you sick bastards, little kids were singin these tunes! and yellow, if im not mistaken, refers to their teeth. u nasty nasty brits. you trick little chicldren into thinkin youre singin about a friendly yellow submarine thats magical. u never define magical! godamnit I sang it when i was a kid only to realize that i had been a victim to your flower-power-lets-get-high-like-theres-no-tomorrow- bullshit. fruitcakes.
"Ob-la-di Ob-la-da"
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra
La-la how the life goes on
Ob-la-di ob-la-da life goes on bra
La-la how the life goes on, yeah (No)
WOW. well thought out guys! it seems like lennon was really thinkin straight when he wrote this masterpiece. this was post-magic shrooms. this is where their memory span halted n they couldnt remember the nights before. and one more thing guys, whats bra?! tell me thats brittish slang for brother. TELL ME THIS! i will kill you commit suicide n kill you again...n again n again n again n again until u start killing yourselves. and yeh, usually when im down i hop around saying gibberish like obladi-oblada-bambooroo-shoobidoo-bapaaa life goes on BROTHER. yeh thats me alright. then i snap out of it and piss on your graves you deceased losers. ass bandits.
in conclusion: they are overrated. but its not the peoples fault. they were all too busy livin in the yellow submarine to realize they were listening to shitty music. the problem is that people my age listen to them as well. their parents must have done something to them cuz that shit aint right. we're supposed to be the future. future. not the handicapped. well either way i dont wanna see these fruitloops on tv anymore, theyve been dead for decades now i dont know what the fuss is. the oldies, still listenin to them, can do it quielty and on their own time and my generation needs to move the fuck on n stop being so simple. as far as the future goes...lets hope they start driving actual vehicles n not go for the yellow submarines cuz we all know what that leads us to...
ya get the picture.
Tags: /the beatles/, /yellow submarine/, drugs, entertainment, music, random
1 comment:
You are entitled to your own opinion of the band, but to sit their and criticize them in what I have to say was an idiotic and very poorly written fashion is unjustified. Why don't you look up a few more of their songs before you poke fun at them. Also, noone ever denied that the beatles were on drugs, we all know that, but thanks for trying to reinform us. Oh and finally, I'm taking a shot in the dark and guessing your one of those pseudo-hiphop/rap lovers, and anyone who willingly listens to "yeah i slapped my bitch's ass" doesn't have a right to criticize any band like the Beatles.
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