thats sort of a lie.
while its true that me and oleg are back, it is not, in fact, a dinosaur's story...even though that would be interesting. (oleg would be the goofy mother fucker on the left, and id be the badass flying. dont let him tell you different)
quick summary of events? ive left engineering school = more time to self = more downloading porn + posting on emptywhiteroom = yay. oleg, back in his native siberia (coach...its serbia), now has internet = he can post too = he can carry my lazy ass when i forget to update this bitch = yay. thats two yay's people. count them. thats more than any "real" site would ever give you.
expect great things to come. or don't. either way, were back and its on. long live the 3rd world.
1 comment:
Oh crap you're back!
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