theres cute fat. babies. (fat) albert. koala bears. theres he-has-way-too-much-energy -for-that fat. steve irwin. jack black.
and then... fat. whale. ship. island. planet. im so fat i cant move out of bed fat. im so fat when i move daryl hall's 'maneater' plays fat. oh oh here she comes, watch out boy she'll chew you up. yeh. shit just got real.
well. its nasty. but the point is... australia just got gold in fattest people in the world. america is down but they are planning a comeback. we need to put them all in one boat and blow em all to hell. and put britain in there. with france and spain and portugal and luxembourg and belgium and sweden denmark norway finland poland germany slovenia turkey greece italy austria switzerland canada australia america.
and syria cyprus. oh holland i almost forgot holland. dont forget holland. lichetenstein bulgaria ROMANIA oh maaaaan i almost forgot. rooooomania. nasty. macedonia.
ooh and israel. put those bitches in there. oh and you can put georgia and jordan in there the two coincident countries. oh and chile. something about them... the rest are alright down there but chile. i dont know. oh and jamaica bob marley is overated. oh and iceland and greenland. nobody knows you exist.
and if you can think of some more, hit me up.